Thanks to Tuocha's unique combination of bioactive compounds and natural soothing properties, it helps to calm your mind and body:
No liver damage side effects
Due to the post-fermentation process, the content of Tucoha has undergone significant changes, and tea polyphenols are transformed into tea pigments and other substances. Studies have often claimed that EGCG in tea has various health benefits, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects. However, the latest research suggests that EGCG intake is moderate, and excessive intake may have adverse health effects.
A 2018 review showed that excessive intake of EGCG may cause liver toxicity. (Hu, J; Webster, D; Cao, J; Shao, A (2018). In 2024, the European Food Safety Authority clarified that an intake of 800 mg or more per day may increase the risk of liver damage. (Younes, Maged; Aggett, Peter; Aguilar, Fernando; Et al. (18 April 2018). "Scientific Perspectives on the safety of green tea catechins". EFSA Magazine. 16 (4): e05239.)
However, Tuocha's EGCG can no longer be detected due to fermentation, so tuocha may be a safer daily tea than other teas, especially when consumed in large quantities.
Protect the stomach
Many people will worry about whether they will cause gastrointestinal symptoms when drinking tea, but drinking Tuocha does not have to worry about such a situation. China's Hong Kong and Macao regions think green tea is cold and black tea is hot, but the Tuocha is not cold, not hot; its properties are warm and pleasant. This is because Tuocha is a fully fermented tea, and large molecular organic substances that irritate the stomach, such as tea polyphenols, will be decomposed into small molecules that are friendly to the stomach. During fermentation, the tea will overflow a large amount of pectin, a polysaccharide substance; viscosity and absorption can form a film state, protect the stomach mucosa and help digestion. When pectin enters the large intestine, it can be broken down into short-chain fatty acids, reduce intestinal PH, kill intestinal harmful bacteria, and promote the reproduction of beneficial bacteria.
Improve gastrointestinal flora and thus improve mental illness.
The imbalance of intestinal flora can induce various physiological and psychological diseases, and the treatment of these diseases can be completed by restoring intestinal flora. The gut microbiota refers to all microorganisms present in the gastrointestinal tract, consisting mainly of bacteria, certain viruses, and fungi. Intestinal flora can maintain the balance of the human internal environment and has immune and metabolic functions. The imbalance of intestinal flora can induce various physiological and psychological diseases, and the treatment of these diseases can be completed by restoring intestinal flora. Effective ways to restore normal gut flora are by providing beneficial bacteria, eating a healthy diet, and transplanting fecal bacteria. Long-term consumption of Tuocha can regulate the abundance of beneficial bacteria, such as lactic acid bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, producing short-linked fatty acids, thereby improving metabolism, behaviour, and cognition through the gut-brain axis.
Stress release
When you feel stressed, you should brew a cup of tea and drink it. Not only can the process of brewing a cup of tea give you a brief moment of relaxation, drinking tea can also effectively calm your nerves. The Tuocha tea contains a substance called theanine, which accounts for 1-2% of the dry weight of the tea and can be precipitated in the tea soup by nearly 80%. Theanine affects the brain chemicals GABA, dopamine, and serotonin, helping the brain produce alpha waves that help people with anxiety and reduce insomnia. That's why drinking a cup of tea can calm you down.